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A music lover, language enthusiast, anime lover, teacher

Thursday 28 March 2019

Run with the Wind

 I've always been a fan of sports anime. Maybe I am not athletic myself but it has always been enjoyable watching people (well, 2D, technically xD) doing things I don't do. Seeing their determination and climbing up to the top of the ladder is something I don't do. I am just lazy for that lol. I love reading and watching at home... hmmm like "Prince" lol. Anyway, let's get to the story.

Run with the wind is about college students who aim to run in the Hakone Ekiden relay marathon, well technically, were forced to at first but then, in the end, they enjoyed running then yeah, it became everyone's aim. 

The story started with Kakeru, shoplifting, when Haiji found him and saved him, then invited him to be a part of their dormitory. Haiji was desperately looking for the tenth member of the dormitory, and Kakeru joining, is obviously a dream come true for Haiji. As the people inside the dormitory, the ten of them, party, Haiji announced that them being a part of the dormitory, is them being part of the track and field team lol. This is because the dormitory is actually the dormitory for the track and field team. Well, everyone didn't know so they were shocked and apparently, don't wanna be a track and field member. Well, they got their own issues, and apart from Haiji and Kaeru, they are all novices in the track and field sport. Well, technically, Nico-senpai is not totally a novice because he had experienced before but his built is big so he was forced to quit when he was in high school. Anyway, at first, since they are beginners, they really had a hard time running... especially that they didn't really like it but well, they were forced by Haiji lol and Prince was... uhm... threatened to be kicked out of the dorm if he didn't join lol. Well, at first they were slow, especially Prince, who is a manga club member and you know, spends all his life reading manga. But then, slowly, they got official track records and yeah, they were able to join the qualifier for the Hakone Ekiden. Surprisingly, they entered the top ten (they are literally the top 10) in the qualifier so they can join the relay marathon in Hakone Ekiden. In the end, they were able to be also at the top 10 of the Hakone Ekiden Relay so I literally smiled and oh my goodness the feelsssssssss.

I really liked the story. They were total novices and they tried their best as they solved their problems together. OOoooohhhh the character evolution!!!! I totally love the characters. At first, I hated Kakeru's character but ooohhh boy, he was changing throughout the anime. You can see everyone sacrificed a lot for their goals. Even Yuki, who was totally reluctant to run but at the end, wow, he helped Haiji and Shindo in managing and planning for the team lol. I like how the characters are so dynamic and it drew me a lot in this anime. And gahd I love how everyone did their best in the qualifiers and the relay marathon. Everyone, I mean everyone, literally gave their best especially Shindo, who was sick that time, just to be at their finish lines. 

Also, when Prince talked about other anime/manga sports mc, I literally smiled very wide because uhuh I can totally understand lol. Anyway, if you're into sports and you love dynamic characters uhuh and a great story, watch it. It's worth it. Really. 

P.S. If it's not still obvious, my favorite character is Prince "Akane Kashiwazaki" l always laugh whenever he runs at first HAHAHHAHA and ooohhhh boy, I almost cried when he got his first official track record huhuhuhuhu. I love you Prince <3 <3 <3 !!!!!!

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